10 Secrets of Happy People
Secrets of Happy People
For most of us, we have many habits that do not require much thought or discipline.
We wake up and start processes that are routine. Forming good habits makes things easier, and possible to increase positive emotions. Here are 10 secrets of happy people that you can incorporate to make you happier and healthier.
1. Give Thanks.
In his book The Happiness Equation, Neil Pasricha says, “If you can be with simple things, then it will be simple to be happy”. Train your brain to look for positives instead of negatives.
2. Say Something Nice.
A shift in how you communicate can help you to get in a more positive mindset. We can create contagious optimism. This might allow the person you’re speaking with to share something more positive as well.
3. Limit checking your email to a couple of times a day.
You can also deactivate alerts on your cell phone. Unplug from all electronics at least 30 minutes before bed. Choose one day a week to take a complete break from email and social media. Do something once a day without your phone.
4. Mindfulness is being aware of your thought, feelings at the moment.
You can reduce stress and increase positive emotions. Focus your attention on your breathing and senses, and be present in the moment a few times a day.
5. Get Things Done.
Start with first things first. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and ineffective about the things you need to do, take one step today. If you have challenges making a decision, remind yourself that, one choice isn’t that different from another. Make a decision and move on.
6. Get Some Exercise.
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health confirms exercise is good for us both physical and mental. It helps keep weight in check and makes you feel like you are rewarding yourself. Also, Michele Phillips author of Happiness is a Habit, says do something that moves your body every day. But be selective. “It will be boring, tedious and you won’t stick to it”, she writes. Consider doing things you love, such as gardening, hiking, swimming, biking or dancing. Find a friend to partner with. Make it fun.
7. Know What Makes You Happy.
Take time to reflect on what gives you joy (like your family, hobbies, and interests).
8. Schedule Time for Happiness.
If you have an hour free, so you spend it doing something fun? Or, do you spend it doing housework, or tackling an extra work project? The latter is a “minor form of insanity”, according to happiness researcher Robert Biswas-Diener, PhD.
9. Socialize, Even with Strangers.
Find little ways to connect with others, including strangers, on a daily basis. The more you mingle and chat with people around you, the more cheerful and brighter your mood is likely to be.
10. Do Acts of Kindness.
When you do one act of kindness a day, something magical happens… you become happier. A simple act of kindness such as a compliment, or letting someone ahead of you in line, etc. — are contagious and tend to make all those involved feel good.
The best part of the habits of happy people is the feeling of happiness. Whether you feel optimism, joy, well-being.personal achievement, or all the above. People who are in good spirits have a better outlook on life. Generally, they eat better, exercise, and sleep better than those who are not. Positive thoughts and attitudes strengthen your immune system. They also decrease pain, chronic disease, and provide stress relief.
Shirley J Noah~I transform lives by providing the most innovative and highest quality health solutions.
For more guidance on stress: How to Outsmart Your Own Stress
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