Consistency And Grit For Your Health And Success

3 min readOct 2, 2020


Do You Have Consistency and Grit For Your Health and Success?

One of the biggest issues we face in maintaining our fitness is consistency.

It can be easy to start eating healthy and commit to exercise, but the reality can be much different.

Yes, it is vital to set long term goals and create a plan that sees you working towards them, but the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

It can be the same for your wellness. Achieving your daily goals can be the key to unlocking your sustained health and fitness.


What if I told you that harnessing your energy is more important than managing your time? We’re a nation of multitaskers, with everyone bragging about the numerous tasks we can do at once. But a recent study at Ohio State University shows that while it might make you feel great, you’re not truly achieving more. Don’t worry, listening to music while you work out, or while you work doesn’t count as multitasking.

Saying you do not have time to change your diet or exercise is just an excuse. If your heart really desires to change your lifestyle, you need to understand that you are starting at zero and it takes time to break habits and create new ones.

So, when you start out, take 5 minutes a day to exercise, even if you can fit in four 5-minute sessions throughout your day you are starting a habit. From there you can build up your efforts.

Set yourself daily goals so that you can realize success and celebrate it. The Harvard Business Review has been studying this for 15 years. The results show that seeing your success on a daily basis is an exceptional motivator to achieve your long-term goals. It is more likely that you will succeed in your long-term plans if you learn to focus on just a day at a time.

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There is a heavy focus on keeping your body healthy, which is incredibly important, but so is your mental health. In fact, exercising does not just benefit your body; it benefits your mind, too. There are some excellent examples of nutritious foods that will fuel both your brain and your body.

WebMD experts have acknowledged the dangers of stress, as while it has an impact on your mental health; it also increases your risk of illness. Examples of potential health problems due to stress include:

  • skin conditions
  • heart disease
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • joint pain
  • anxiety and depression

Consider this: when someone is suffering from chronic stress, his or her telomeres are shorter. Telomerase is an enzyme that the body produces to protect cells, and every cell contains a clock (telomere). When your body is under stress, the telomeres speed up the process of cell division, leaving your immune system more vulnerable to illness.

Bring It All Together With Consistency and Grit for Your Health and Success

So, you see there is more to health and fitness than people generally consider. Consistency and grit for your health and success are key to achieving your every day goals and noting and celebrating them. Even if it only a simple pat on the back for making it to the gym that day.

By focusing on your day-by-day routine, you are ensuring long-term success.

The Gates Foundation funded a study, led by researcher Angela Duckworth, about what it is that makes people succeed. The answer might surprise you, but the overwhelming majority of successful people have something in common: grit.

The determination to succeed is not caught up in setbacks, instead, it serves its purpose as a lesson to do it better tomorrow. Every day you start afresh with a clean slate, therefore it is vital to break your goals down day by day so you can understand your daily success.

Get a FREE Checklist 10 Ways to Eat to Relieve Stress.

I am Shirley Noah and love helping you to overcome your physical, mental, and emotional strain. You will not find the answer on the pharmacy shelf. I can equip you with the necessary tools to achieve a “stress-free” life.




Written by shirleyjnoah

Founder of In Good Health Coach: simple methods for healthy living and overcoming stress once and for all.

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