This Tiny Every Day Habit Will Boost Your Health
If you are like me, it is hard to stay consistent…
I am a great starter; I have so many ideas and I think I can do most of them…
But my reality is much different.
While it is good to have long term goals and a plan to work toward them. It is best to do one tiny every day habit that will boost your health.
How do you do this?
Eat An Elephant One Bite At A Time
Well, it is the same for wellness. Achieving some daily plans is the key to unlocking sustained health and wellness.
“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no “I’ll start tomorrow. Tomorrow is disease.” ~ V.L. Allineare
Your Body
Let’s imagine…
What if I told you that harnessing your energy is more important than managing your time?
We have all become great at multitasking, even bragging about all the many items on our to do list.
A study at the Ohio State University proves that while you feel you are accomplishing a lot, you’re not achieving more.
Oh, don’t worry…
Listening to music while you work out, or while you work doesn’t count as multitasking.
Saying out loud that you don’t have time to change your diet, or exercise is an excuse. If you are sincere about changing your lifestyle, you will do it.
It takes time to break a habit and create new ones.
So, if you set a daily goal you will soon be able to celebrate a new way of life.
A 15-year study by Harvard Business Review shows that daily success is an exceptional motivator. It is more likely that you will succeed a long-term goal if you focus on one day at a time.
“There are only two requirements when it comes to exercise. One is that you do it. The other s that you continue to do it.” ~ The New Glucose Revolution for Diabetes.
Your Mind
It is important to have a healthy body, but your mental health is also important.
In fact, exercising will benefit your body, but have you thought about the benefit for your mind?
WebMD experts acknowledge the danger of stress will increase your risk of illness. Consider this: when you are suffering from chronic stress, your telomeres are shorter. Telomerase is an enzyme that the body produces to protect your cells. Every cell contains a clock (telomere). When your body is under stress, the telomeres speed up the process of cell division. This leaves your immune system vulnerable to illness.
“For those who don’t make time for exercise, they’ll have to make time for illness.” ~ Edward Stanley
Sync It
So, you see..
Whether your go for short walks around your neighborhood..
Start training for a marathon. 10 mile bike rides, or sweat at the gym. At some point, you will start to think. “This is easy” what did I wait so long for?
That’s progress. You will want to step it up a notch. Push yourself to get stronger, faster and better.
Set tiny goals, then bigger goals. Reap the benefits. Get out of your comfort zone. You can celebrate your achievements. Focus on small treats, for example, go to a concert, get a pedicure, buy a pair of shoes.
There is more to health and fitness than you might consider. Thus, achieving your daily goals is so important. Celebrating your achievements is important. That daily trip to the gym is necessary if your goal is to improve your health. Mind, body and soul.
For Long Term Success
Angela Duckworth, of the Gates Foundation says that successful people have grit.
The determination to succeed, no matter the cost.
Start Fresh Everyday
One Tiny Everyday Habit will affect your health and fitness. so you can. One bite at a time. Makes you stronger, happier, healthier.
Your rewards are a better tomorrow, push yourself a little bit further, over and over.
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~ John F. Kennedy
Recommended reading on Exercise and Mind Health
Sitting Kills: Here are 8 Reasons Why
Exercise For Amazing Heart and Cancer Protection
Why Exercise is the “Silver Bullet” for Diabetes
I’m Shirley Noah, I write about living well, including habits for happiness, health, productivity, and stress reduction. Subscribe to my email at